Safiya’s House of Kreation
About Us
It Started Hair…
Originally known as Kinky Kreations, Safiya started out as a traveling stylist to her customers. As the company grew, she then became a home based business specializing in Locs and Natural Hair (super curly hair). In 2011, Safiya’s House of Kreation was launched providing professional hair care services to each client in a brick and mortar space.




Kinky Beginnings
A little girl with magic hands, Safiya created ingenious style for all and sundry: family, friends and sometimes even strangers. Sunday mornings were a loving ritual of freshly washed hair and ‘China bumps’ (also known as Bantu knots) styled while Safiya sat at one of the many women in her family knees. Safiya’s aunts, cousins and sister friends wore curly afros, relaxed hair and extensions. No doubt these styles made an impression.
When she was old enough to style others’ hair, cornrows and plaits were the styling choices back in the day when a 10 year old girl crafted unique hairstyles under the watchful eye of her beloved grandmother. “Your hands are blessed,” her grandmother always said. Blessed because of the impact an old woman sensed lay deep within a child who seemed to channel gifts from elders of yesteryear.
As a teen, Safiya’s ever-changing muse meant long hours practicing on her own hair. It was routine for her cousin to chase the young hairstylist out of the bathroom because Safiya’s experimentation usually coincided with the times her cousin wanted to use the mirror. By then, Safiya had expanded from natural hairstyling to relaxers and weaves. But a career in hair care was never her goal. “I’ve always enjoyed styling hair, but I had aspirations to have a corporate career.”
Natural hair is where it all began for Safiya. Natural hair, natural beauty; an almost foreign concept to too many. Relaxed hair, weaved hair. It’s all beautiful and Safiya recognized that simple — yet often overlooked — fact.
Safiya’s philosophy on hair? Taking care of your hair, taking care of you!
So why Kinky Kreations? “Why not? It’s about celebrating your hair — however you choose to wear it,” Safiya says.
A Kinky Kreations Equation:
if consciousness = naturalness,
then naturalness = self beauty
self beauty = Exactly who are!
But, do you have to be “conscious” to wear natural hair? The answers are as vast as the people who attempt to answer the question. Kinky Kreations says, choose your own philosophy. Ours is about loving your hair, whether it’s kinky, processed or otherwise altered. In the end you are being naturally you!
Kinky Kreations was created to meet the needs of people who want quality maintenance, innovative and diverse styles to complement their personality and lifestyle. Within a professional and relaxed atmosphere, Kinky Kreations provides services that are suitable for the playground to the boardroom or that special gala event.
Our clients can enjoy a variety of styles because at Kinky Kreations there are no limits to what our Hair can do!!

Link and Lineage by Paul Goodnight
Education, Certifications and Awards:
- Loc Weave Technique, 2013
- Colourist Certification, Wella Colour Masters 2008
- Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2007, Microskills Community Program and Services
- Natural Hair Certification from Taliah Wajid 2006
- Graduate of the Avola College for Hairstyling and Esthetics 2006
- Certificates in Human Resources Management and Information Systems from York University 2005
- Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business Administration, Information Technology and Marketing from York University 2005
Workshops and Shows:
- Hair & Fashion Showcase and Vendor, Toronto Natural Hair Show, 2015
- Created and presented “Our Legacy: The Big Chop” for Kuumba Festival 2014, Harbourfront Centre
- Featured in Anancee Magazine, Dreadlocks and the Natural Hair Movement, 2014
- Created and presented “I Love My Hair” Showcase for Kuumba Festival 2013, Harbourfront Centre
- Created and presented Renascence & Relaxation Hair, Art and Fashion Show, 2013
- Hair Workshop Facilitator & Vendor, Toronto Natural Hair Show and TDSB, 2013
- Hair Workshop Facilitator, The Curly Soiree 2012
- Created and presented SHK 1st Anniversary Hair & Fashion Show, 2012
- Developed curriculum and successfully launched HAIR Program for young African Canadian women 2007
- Founded Kinky Kreations Hair Services (Workshops), Hair Accessories, Kinkylicious Tees & Calendar, 2007
- Candidate for the Contessas Student/Apprentice Hairstylist of the Year, 2006
- Honorary College Stylist at the Amore Hair Show, 2006
“For my hair is not only rooted in my scalp, but has a hairline in my past, present and future.” –Safiya